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We talked about it. He aged about 15 years in the span of a few months. And now, whenever we talk, he's encouraging me to finish school quickly so that I can take over his practice. Using data from the 1997National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, Sara E. Mernitz and Claire Kamp Dush from Ohio State Universitylooked at what happens whenyoung people cohabitate, transition into marriage or progress from a first to secondcohabitation and how men and women experience these changes differently.Although there's a lot of research that examines marriage and health, more broadly, Mernitz said in a phone interview, "we now have more advanced statistical methods that allow us to look at the change as an individual experiences this transition from cohabitation to sex toys "For some of the people surveyed, living with their partner proved just as beneficial as marriage."Past studies that compared those that are married and those that are cohabitating always found this sort of marriage benefit," Mernitz said. "But even when we look at individuals who transition from a current cohabitation into marriage, that transition into marriage didn't really provide any additional emotional health benefits and we kind of thought it would."The most surprising result to Mernitz was thatwomen seem to benefit from cohabitation more than men do.

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